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It’s Friday! *Happy Dance*

Today I am (finally) painting my office. I mean, I’ve only been saying I’ll do it “next week” since we moved in last October. Finally, finally I will be able to get organized instead of having strategic “piles” all over the guest bed. (My organizational system is going to be a lot of shelves and hanging files, hence the need to paint first.) Photos to come…eventually. I promise. And I’m sure there will be a lot of “there’s paint all over my feet” Instagram photos. Aren’t you excited?

This week I did a lot of stuff.

1. I gave you sinful donuts and visuals of teachers attacking each other with pencils:

2. I talked about my cat barf facial:

3. And more about my pickiness:

Go check them out. I’ll wait.

Geez, I’m kinda in a demanding mood. Sounds like I’m taking lessons from my cat.

4. I got Jordan’s softball pictures this week. When they were taken there was a huge rainstorm, so they had to be moved indoors.

Where, obviously, they were photographing Time Travel Softball. {Seriously, where do they even get those backgrounds?}

5. You know that toolbar on the bottom of my page? The Sac Connect one? They just installed a new version, and it has share buttons and stuff, pretty cool. However, if you’re not into toolbars, you can close it by clicking on the right side and selecting “Hide Meebo Bar.”

6. I will leave you with this picture of Callie. The look on her face pretty much sums up her attitude about life.

The dog? So jealous she almost can’t help herself.

Have a great weekend y’all! Hopefully by tonight will not be a “Turquoise Mist” smurf. It’s always a hazard when I’m painting a room. Because, well, I’m not neat.

Oh, and if you still want to link something sweet up to Crazy Sweet Tuesday, the party is on through tonight. So what are you waiting for?


Dorothy Kern

Welcome to Crazy for Crust, where I share recipes that are sometimes crazy, often with a crust, and always served with a slice of life.

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  1. Great photos! I had to tell the photographer when Nick got his senior photos that I would not be purchasing any of the pictures with the fake library backgrounds :/ And your sweet kitty does look like she has some attitude…LOL. Good luck with the painting!