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It’s FRIDAY. Oh my goodness…what a busy week!
1. Online BlogCon is over. Sniff. I’m so sad it’s done! It was probably one of the best things I’ve ever done. I learned SO much and made so many new friends…plus I got to be even better besties with Ashton. Win-win.
That said, I’m kind of excited to get my “life” back. I feel as though I’ve been neglecting you all, my favorite people. Oh, and my kid. She told me the other day she’s happy it’s ending so I can, and I quote, “spend time with your lovely daughter again.”
2. This is also the same kid who, when I was telling her that we needed to work on her poem recitation last weekend and asked, “You don’t want to fail your speech, do you?” answered me:
“But mom, everyone fails sometime. So it’s okay if I fail it.”
Wow. I know she came out of me, and I know the doctor used the right embryo because she’s my little twin, but man. Nothing. Like. Me. At. All.
3. Even amongst the craziness, I made you sugar. I’m crazy that way.
I made you Oreos-on-crack.
I made you your new favorite Apple Pie (Bars).
Aaaaand I made you chocolate cupcakes. Basic, but goooood.
4. My cat, Callie, helped me on Facebook the other day. You know how I know the weather has changed? She won’t leave me alone and wants to sit on me all day.
Really, she’s cuter than this. This photo…she looks…stoned? She obviously does not photograph well.
{Do you Instagram? Follow me! @crazyforcrust}
5. This weekend I get to have lunch with Hayley, Michelle, Trish, Heather, and Melissa, Jacqueline, and maybe Ellen. I’m SO excited!
6. I promise I’m going to catch up reading blogs this weekend. I miss you all SO much!
7. Facebook chat has become a crutch for me. I’m, like, addicted. Ashton, even though this conference is over, watch out.
8. I keep getting compliments on how blonde my hair looks, and how smooth and silky it is. I guess giving it a week-long bath in olive oil does good things for hair.
9. I’m still having nightmares/itchy head fears/obsession with the reason behind the olive oil.
10. Go check out my Halloween Round-Up, where I show you some of the stuff I’ve made and a ginormous collection of other stuff too!
Less than a week to Halloween! #wheredidthetimego
Have a great weekend everyone! Thanks for sticking with me through the crazy times. I heart all of you!
xo, Dorothy
I’m so happy Online BlogCon went great! Your daughter is so wise! lol
LOL, in some ways. Thanks!
Yay! I’m glad that you got to learn new stuff through Online BlogCon even though you were hosting it!! It was so much fun. Is your weekend lunch a blogger meetup courtesy of Online BlogCon? If so, I’m super jealous! I didn’t see any Missouri bloggers. Would love to meet up with people in person! Maybe next year 🙂
Yes, hopefully next year! It’s great to meet people in person. 🙂
I can’t believe BlogCon is over already…so much fun reading and commenting. My FB feed is definitely a little more manageable now though! Love all your fun and crazy shares from your week! I’m sticking around no matter what:-)
Oh, I know the feeling! I’m happy…and sad too. 🙂 Thanks Jocelyn!
LOL you sure have been busy, take it easy Halloween in just a few days away!
Sigh. Don’t I know it!
Thanks for sharing all your treats Dorothy! Online BlogCon was awesome. Have yourself a fantastic weekend! 🙂
Aw, thanks Liz! You too!