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Tonight we are letting Jordan stay up super late to watch the fireworks. Well, that’s the plan anyway. A 9:30pm start time is going to be interesting, especially since she usually goes to bed at 8! I think we’ll be needing this Peanut Butter & Jelly Sugar Cookie Pizza come Friday morning as a pick-me-up.

I’m so excited to have my friend Trish here today. She blogs over at Mom on Timeout and makes some of my favorite recipes like Turtle Thumbprints and Strawberry Lime Agua Fresca, and she loves Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups as much as I do! Be sure to go by and check out some of her amazing sweet and savory eats!

peanut butter and jelly cookie pizza with slice cut

Hi there! My name is Trish and I blog over at Mom On Timeout. I have two rambunctious and sweet little boys who keep me very busy…very, VERY busy. They are my official taste testers and Reece, my six year old, is brutally honest. I mean brutally. He’ll be like “Well, it’s good, but not THAT good.” Yeah. Those recipes never get shared 🙂 Here are some of our favorites:

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Cookies | Olive Garden’s Zuppa Toscana Soup | Monster Trail Mix Bars

Green Smoothies Your Kids Will Love | Chocolate Toffee No-Bake Cookies

I am so excited to be guest posting for Dorothy while she’s at the Happiest Place on Earth. I would be more excited if I was on the Matterhorn WITH her right now… oh well! So Dorothy is off at Disneyland and you and I are at home…life isn’t fair but hey, at least I’ve got something yummy for you today!

When Dorothy asked me to share a post with you today I immediately thought how fun it would be to share a copycat Disneyland recipe. I mean half the fun of Disneyland is eating right? We are frequent visitors of Disneyland (it’s kind of like our favorite place to be) and one of our favorite places to visit is Goofy’s Kitchen.

We always purchase our Disneyland vacation through Costco and it comes with some nice perks including a character dining pass. Goofy’s Kitchen has always been our favorite character dining experience. The boys love to ride the monorail over to the restaurant and the dinner is just awesome!

One of our favorite items is the Peanut Butter & Jelly Pizza. I started thinking that this pizza would be fun to re-create. It’s got a crust and peanut butter – two of Dorothy’s favorite things! Of course – it’s not very sweet. Definitely not up to Dorothy’s standards! So I changed it up a bit and made a sugar cookie crust with peanut butter frosting and jelly. Did you start drooling a little cause I just did…

So let’s talk about the frosting for just a sec. Peanut butter frosting. Life really does not get any better than this. Creamy, peanut buttery, and just plain delicious. It whips up in a heartbeat and if you can keep your finger out of it long enough it looks oh-so pretty on the sugar cookie pizza. Doesn’t it? I love that you can just slice and serve this incredible cookie just like pizza. The boys gave it two thumbs WAY up and my husband asked if I could make this for our next party…guess it’s a winner!

Well Dorothy, you may be in Disneyland but we’re here enjoying some Better-Than-Disneyland Peanut Butter and Jelly Sugar Cookie Pizza. I’ll see if I can’t save a slice for ya! Can’t wait to hear how your trip went!

Be sure to check out the recipe here!

Click HERE for more PIZZA RECIPES!

Dorothy Kern

Welcome to Crazy for Crust, where I share recipes that are sometimes crazy, often with a crust, and always served with a slice of life.

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  1. I had an 8 pm bedtime too! At least until I was 10 years old. It was a real treat to stay up until 9 or 10 pm at a sleepover, but I always came home exhausted the next day. My internal alarm clock woke me up by 6 am whether I liked it or not!

      1. Aww, too cute! Early bedtimes the next few nights? 😉 (Although I wanted to rebel at my 8 pm bedtime during the summer… I couldn’t fall asleep until after it was completely dark out!)

  2. Trish, PB & J pizza for dessert … I must try it! Dorothy, I hope you are having fun!

  3. O. M. G. Dorothy, this is brilliant and I am pretty sure I could come up with a low carb, gf version that my kids would love! Thanks for the inspiration!

  4. Wow! This looks amazing. I literally grew up on PB&J, so this new unique way to eat it looks pretty awesome!