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KICMount Feb

I have a secret to confess: I am majorly unorganized outside of my computer. I’m great with dates, my email, blog, pictures, calendar, and all that stuff. But one look at my office and you’ll be able to see my organizational issues have reached an all-time high. I blame it on the fact that I don’t have a system in place; that I don’t have organizational space. I need shelves in the closet and drawers in my desk. But you know what? Deep down, I know it won’t matter. I’m buried in a sea of paper and I don’t know how to swim my way to the surface.

90% of all my paper woes are recipes. I subscribe to tons of magazines and I pull out recipes and other ideas all month long. I read lots of blogs and I print lots of recipes I’m “going to make” someday. All of these recipes have a home (binders) in theory. Problem is…they never make it that far. The worst part is that, when I find a recipe I like, I can never find the printed recipe when I want it again. NEVER. I cannot tell you how many times I have reprinted recipes because I cannot find them in my ocean of paper. It’s a little ridiculous (and expensive, if you consider the cost of paper and printer ink)!

This is why I’m so thankful the KICMount found its way into my life. Have you heard of the KICMount? It’s a genius concept: a plastic iPad case with heavy duty magnets on the back. Simply snap your iPad into the case and your iPad is magically magnetic. Really! You can stick it anywhere metal. My favorite place to stick my iPad with the KICMount is on the side of my refrigerator, by my mixer. It’s really good for me because I am really klutzy when I cook. Cocoa and powdered sugar go everywhere. Liquid flies out of spoons. It’s really not safe for my iPad to be on the counter, so I never really used it in the kitchen before. Now? Now I just stick it on my fridge and voila! I have access to an internet full of recipes, no printing needed.

Last week I had to make some cupcakes based off of my Banana Cake with Caramel Filling (recipe soon!) and of course I could not find the printed recipe buried in my office. But, instead of printing it out again, which is my standard M.O., I just used my KICMount. I pulled up my site and the recipe and made the cupcakes. And, I saved a tree and didn’t spill mashed banana on my iPad. So, pretty much, I {heart} my KICMount. And I know you will too!

The KICMount is helping me de-clutter my recipes, one piece of paper at a time. Now…my cookbooks and party supply mess. That’s another story…

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And, guess what? KICMount is having a special right now! Recently they did a trade show showing off the product and they are discounting all the KICMounts they used! So, if you want a great deal on a KICMount, be sure to jump on this quick.  They are only $25 plus free shipping! All you have to do is email KICMount at and tell them you want one of the discounted products. Available while supplies last, so get your emails going! Tell them I sent you! 🙂

Thanks for reading!

Dorothy Kern

Welcome to Crazy for Crust, where I share recipes that are sometimes crazy, often with a crust, and always served with a slice of life.

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  1. I am passing this info to a friend … she was using an edible spray sheen on a cake and sprayed her iPad (that was laying on the counter) too … not good !