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Graphic of thanksgiving card with green and blue circles

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope that you are surrounded by family and friends today, preparing and eating good food, and enjoying good company and conversation.

This Thanksgiving, more than any other, I am especially thankful for my family. We lost my husband’s step-father on Tuesday, and when things like that happen it makes you so appreciative of the time you’ve had together. Do me a favor, and give your loved ones an extra large hug today. Tell them you’re thankful for them.

I’m so thankful for all of you; my readers. You have helped me get to where I am today with this blog, and by visiting and pinning and sharing you’ve opened up doors for me that I never knew existed. Thank you so much for supporting me in this endeavor, and for allowing me to make this job of blogging and baking and writing one that can be a career.

Have a wonderful day, eat lots of turkey and lots and lots and lots of pie. I’ll be back tomorrow and this weekend with some fun posts – thank goodness I planned ahead. Sometimes being anal pays off. 😉

Dorothy Kern

Welcome to Crazy for Crust, where I share recipes that are sometimes crazy, often with a crust, and always served with a slice of life.

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  1. Oh Dorothy- I am so very sorry to hear that. My heart is aching for you & your family as you go through this. I received word on Tuesday that my mom was in ICU & her battle ahead does not look good. It’s certainly been a rocky week – not one I will look back on with a smile as I normally would for a holiday. It’s tough to sort it all out & incredibly difficult during any time of year – but especially during the holidays. Many prayers for your family. Hugs.

  2. I am sure being with your friends and family especially helped this Thanksgiving then. And there is still lots to give thanks for, of course.

    If I’m being a tad picky, I’d have preferred you said “lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of pie” but there you go – we are probably your only readers who sail the 7 Cs rating pies for! 🙂

    Hap-pie thanksgiving everyone!

  3. I just found your site about 3 weeks ago and look forward to you everyday. As a retired sous chef, we can never have enough recipes. Your pictures are wonderful and so are you. I’m sorry your Thanksgiving was so sad with your husbands loss.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving. I hope despite your loss, you were able to enjoy time with your loved ones. I am so sorry for your loss.