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Instead of a traditional Crust and Cumbs post today, a bunch of us bloggers thought about doing a “Day in the Life” post to show you a behind the scenes look at our lives. I loved the idea because I’m that person who always looks in bathroom cabinets when I visit someone, so seeing inside the lives of my friends is pretty perfect for me. I hope you have fun reading!

Ready for a day in the life of, well, me? My house is not clean and pictures are very misleading. In fact, I instagrammed this photo recently:

That’s my kitchen after three photo shoots. I’m not a neat baker, and I’m kind of a clutter freak. As in, clutter freaks me out but I produce a lot of it.

My day in the life was last Wednesday, October 30. The day before I’d made 3 recipes and shot 2. The kitchen mayhem continued during our day in the life. Are you ready? Hold onto the edge of your seat, my life is riveting in adventure. 😉

I start my day the same way every day. At 6am (or earlier; I prefer 5:45 but I don’t set an alarm, my body wakes me up) I head down the stairs in the dark so I don’t wake Jordan and get myself a cup of coffee. Green Mountain Sumatran Reserve, with a splash of Coffee-mate Italian Sweet Cream.

I pray that Jordan hasn’t woken yet. Chances are, she is and will be demanding breakfast shortly.

I get online and check my site first. Since my Bluehost days, I worry every morning it will be down. I hold my breath while it loads, I’m not kidding.

I check my planner for my schedule. Half of what I actually do isn’t actually on the schedule, and most of what’s on there doesn’t actual get done.

Box. It’s circled, like, 3 times throughout the week. I have no clue what it means.

6:15am, I do all of my gawker sharing, including My Recipe Magic.

7:35am, Jordan is dropped at school. I walked her to her classroom this day…and I can’t remember why.

After a little more work, I head to the gym for 30 minutes of cardio and then my 9am training session. By 10:00 I’m a wet noodle and can’t lift my arms.

After my shower, I dress like a dork. Want to be a dork with me? You can enter to win your own Crazy for Crust t-shirt here.

Some more work before I head to the disaster that is my kitchen.

Recipe #1 for the day: muffins for the class Halloween party.

Then I do dishes…the first time.

Somehow last week was baking heavy. So…Photo Shoot #1

Pie crust tutorial coming soon!

Photo shoot #2…pie recipe coming Friday!

In between photo shoots I made pie #2. So…dishes again.

Oh hey, the muffins cooled. Great! Dishes…#3.

At this point it was 1:30 and I realized I hadn’t eaten since breakfast. I took my favorite lunch break:

10 minutes with the ladies of the view. After 10 minutes I get jumpy and have to go check Facebook.

2:00…leave for pick-up. Because if I wait until 2:10 I’ll have to park 3 blocks away.

3:00…we’re home from school, snack is done, homework commences.

Tears commence too. Lots of them. Subtraction sucks. So does third grade…everything. While she works, I get back into the kitchen.

Cheesecake time! Remember yesterday when I posted the Cookies and Mint Chip Cheesecake I said I’d made it twice? This was #1. Totally FAIL. FYI, don’t try and dye your cheesecake green. Unless you like slime.

It was so pretty in the pan…not so much on the other end.

Baking round 3…means dishes round 4!

I finish the dishes, clean the kitchen.

4:00…make Jordan dinner.

4:30…I’m cursing my computer because it won’t turn off.

4:35…we’re rushing out the door and I try not to speed.

4:59…we make it to theatre class on time with one minute to spare. I wait in line for 10 minutes for the privilege of spending $90 on tickets to her performance in December.

Three hours to myself. Well, not really. When Mel is home, he likes to go watch class. So I have to be a good mom and go watch too. But first…

Dinner at Panera. Free wi-fi means I can work. Er, surf Facebook. But I did work too! 🙂

Then I head back to the theatre to watch the last hour of practice.

At this point it’s almost 8pm and I’m kind of tired. I really hate Wednesdays.

We head home and Mel is there, yay! He’s been in San Diego and his flight was delayed, so he’s just getting home. That means he’s putting her to bed.

And it’s my turn to relax. Although I was trying to not drink during the week, I think Wednesday needs an exception.

Harry Potter? SO FREAKING GOOD. Week 3, I’m on book 4. I can’t get enough!

I check email and Facebook obsessively until bedtime. Then it’s time for sleep, and it’ll start all over tomorrow.

Aren’t I exciting? 🙂

What is your favorite part of the day?

Thanks for reading about my day. If you like these kind of posts, check out all my friends today!

Crazy For Crust

What’s Cooking Love

Life, Love and Sugar

Cupcake And Bacon

Love From The Oven

Thanks for reading!

Dorothy Kern

Welcome to Crazy for Crust, where I share recipes that are sometimes crazy, often with a crust, and always served with a slice of life.

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  1. I knew from the instant I saw the photo of your kindle exactly where you were in the series. So glad you finally decided to indulge in the pure joy of Potter!

  2. Love this! I’m so glad I’m not the only one that does 3 loads of dishes a day… It’s fun to see a peek into your life.

  3. I love this post! I think I do about a kazillion dishes during the day too. Most people think I’m crazy for not putting a dishwasher in when we remodeled our kitchen, but most of the time I need my whisk and bowls right away and can’t wait the 45 minutes it takes the dishwasher to wash them. Wine at the end of the day is the perfect treat for all the hard work.

  4. Dorothy = Super Woman!
    Wow, thanks for the “behind the scenes”, love this post! Absolutely amazing what you do every day!