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Okay, so it’s been way, way too long since I wrote one of these Crust and Crumbs posts. The end of summer kind of killed me. Can you forgive me?

1. A trip to Donner Lake.

2. We went to American Cupcake. Again.

3. Jordan decided she wanted to become a baker, and helped me with three recipes in two days. Rrecipes are coming soon!

4. I made (and ate way too many) of these.

5. I also decide to bring Fall to me via Pumpkin Coffee Cake, since the weather just doesn’t want to cooperate.

Now all I want to make is pumpkin. All. The. Time. Are you ready?

6. My friend Shawn shared this on her Facebook Page. Um, so true.

7. I am obsessed with this song.

8. I’ve been a reading fiend lately. Currently I am obsessed with Lisa Gardner’s D.D. Warren Series. I read them all, backwards, because I didn’t realize it was a series. Now I’m done and want the next book STAT.

I also finally ready Gone Girl and Have You Seen Her by Rich Silvers. They were both very similar books, but very good!

Jordan even begged me for books. And she’s even sort of reading them.

9. I discovered something this week, about blogging. If you have one of those old posts and the photos are old and not good, try re-editing them. Crop in, edit, and slap a big text banner across the top.

These Brownie Mud Hen Bars have been in my top viewed all week, ever since I shared this new photo on Facebook. Food for thought…edit those old photos.

10. Three things I was obsessed with last week:

Boston Cream Crepe Cake by Will Cook for Smiles
Peanut Butter Butterfinger Pie by Inside BruCrew Life
Peanut Butter Cup Ice Cream Sandwiches by The Gunny Sack

11. Thank you all again for your comments on my post about my body image issues. I’m still in the middle of reading the book (it’s an addicting read, but then I have to put it down, because it’s also hard to read too). Here are a few things I’ve learned so far:

  • Not everyone looks in the mirror and sees immediately how fat they are. That was mind blowing for me.
  • It is not normal to obsess about how I look; that in fact many people don’t. They live their lives, feeling societal pressure occasionally, but it’s not their norm. Again, totally shocking for me; that there could be a time when I don’t live with Ed-colored glasses.
  • The first thing people notice about me is not how fat I am. This was really, really hard for me to realize. I’m still not 100% sure it’s not true – I know the book says that lots of people on the ED spectrum feel like that’s the first thing someone sees. I am constantly comparing myself to others – so I just assume that’s what is done to me.

I’ve also coming to realize this is not going to happen overnight. It’s going to take work, and persistence, and it’s going to be hard. But I’m going to try.

The other night I went out with some girlfriends and saw Chicago in downtown Sacramento. We got dressed up. I put on my dress, on that I really love, and although I wanted to feel my tummy, instead I admired how my arms looked.

Baby steps. #gottatakethem

So, thank you. Really, I am overwhelmed at the response. Humbled. 🙂

12. Jordan started third grade last week.

I’m half in love with her teacher. The classroom is organized. Jordan has a homework binder and an assignment sheet she has to write her assignments on. The teacher told them they have to read 20 minutes every night, and it’s on the sheet every day.

This year is going to be good, I can feel it. #Ineedorganized #sodoesJordan

12. I needed comfort.

Have a wonderful week! I hope the giveaway makes your Monday just a little bit brighter. 🙂

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Dorothy Kern

Welcome to Crazy for Crust, where I share recipes that are sometimes crazy, often with a crust, and always served with a slice of life.

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  1. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! Love your blog 🙂 I would use the gift card to buy things I need for my new house!

  2. Truth, Dorothy: I was blown away to think that you don’t realize that the first thing people have to notice about you, even if only in a photo, is your amazing smile that lights up your whole face and sparkles through your eyes. Weight and bellies don’t communicate soul and spirit. Your smile does. 🙂
    I hope Jordan has a wonderful school year! Third grade is a big year. 🙂 I taught that grade for a decade or so and loved it. Organization is key. Third grade is the year kids grow up from spoon fed primary grades to big kid intermediate grades. An organized ,nurturing teacher makes all the difference. 🙂
    Your photos always make me want to grab a piece and take a bite. It is reassuring to me, as a beginner, that even you look back on old post photos and update for improvement. 🙂

    1. Thank you so much Wendy!! That means a lot to me. And I’m SO excited about the organization this year. Jordan has it in her, but she needed direction. Hopefully it grows on her this year!

  3. Jordan is such a cutie! It’s awesome that you’re encouraging her to love reading. It made such a huge difference in my life. If she grows into a book nerd/dancer, me and your kid can be best friends. 😉

    1. I hope that she learns to love it! I am so addicted to reading, she just gets bored. But she’s getting there!

  4. I am so stoked for pumpkin season! I have been really, really good about keeping that pumpkin on the shelf! I couldn’t agree more with Shannon above! I noticed your smile first and then your necklace in your photo above. I still have a hard time believe others aren’t immediately judging how fat / thin I am relative to them. You’re doing great! Jordan is too cute for words, btw! I want a miniature me to bake with!

    1. Thank you Lindsey! Your words and emails have been SO kind and helpful! My pumpkin is SO coming off the shelf tomorrow. 🙂

      1. It’s like I’m stalking you, right? lol! You’re welcome. 🙂 PUMPKIN!!!!

  5. Great post and FABULOUS give away! I could really use that gift card. 🙂 By the way, when I look at you the very first thing I notice is your beautiful smile! According to Jake you have PERFECT teeth! Justin asks me all the time how you stay so thin with all the baking you do. You are beautiful inside and out! Hugs!!!!

    1. Aw, thank you Shannon! You’re so sweet, and so is Jake. 🙂 I’ll cross my fingers for you for the giveaway!