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Welcome back to Crazy Sweet Tuesday! Before we get to the features next week I want to talk about photos. Photo editing, to be exact.

But first I want to say I’m a little peeved at Google. Well, maybe a lot.

They are taking away Picnik. Picnik is the way I edit all my photos. All of them.

{Want to know my dirty little secret? Not one photo gets posted on my blog that does not get edited.}

It’s also how I add those cool words and stuff. And my signature at the bottom.

In fact, I just paid to upgrade. Which they’ll be refunding, of course.

I know they’ve added something to Google+ called “Creative Kit,” which seems similar to Picnik. I tried it out a little and it’s very similar but not the same. I want my Picnik!

So, in anticipation of the closure…

How do you edit your photos? What programs do you use? Internet-based or software, I want to know. Do you add words to your photos in another program? How do you edit? Please share your secrets! I’m sure lots of us are in the same boat.

Now all I have to do is pray they don’t take away Picassa Web Albums. Because after the last few announcements? Nothing seems secure anymore.

Anyhoo…thanks for listening! Now, onto the awesome features this week…

Peanut Butter Chocolate Bars by Fun with the Fullwoods. It’s peanut butter and chocolate. How can that be wrong?

Potato Chip & Chocolate Covered Pretzels by Just Call Me Maria. My mouth hung open when I saw this. When the drool hit the keyboard I regained consciousness. This is a must make!

Chocolate Cherry Coconut Cookies by Simply Southern Baking. I love this idea! I always feel like I want so many different flavors when I bake and now, thanks to this, I can! Oh the combinations that can be made!

Red Velvet Cake Batter Dip by Something Swanky. I mentioned in my Friday post about crushes. This dip solidified the one I have for the Something Swanky blog. I want to go swimming in that bowl.

Dorothy Kern

Welcome to Crazy for Crust, where I share recipes that are sometimes crazy, often with a crust, and always served with a slice of life.

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