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{Wow, this post is way harder to write than I originally thought it would be. Who would have thought I’d have trouble talking about myself?}

Tap, tap, tap. Is this thing on?

I have an extra special announcement today. Something I’ve been waiting to “officially” share for a very long time:

My cookbook, Dessert Mash-Ups: Tasty Two in One Treats is now available for PRE-SALE!


It’s like I had a baby, but instead of it being a baby, it’s a book. With recipes, pictures, and lots and lots of my sweat and tears.

I’m so excited to finally talk all about what’s inside!

If you’ve lived anywhere outside of a rock lately, you’ll have heard about a food mash-up. Taking two foods and putting them together. Frankenfood, so to speak.

A dessert mash-up? Is the best kind of food mash-up. It’s all sweet: two kinds of desserts put into one delicious hybrid.

In other words, pretty much what I do here every single day.

It’s really a topic made for me, don’t you think? And I hope that you’re going to love all the recipes in the book. Want to see a sneak peak?

You know you do!

There are 50 mouth-watering dessert mash-up recipes to choose from – all with photos taken by yours truly. Cheesecake with cookies, pie with candy, cookies with pie, cheesecake with brownies, cake with breakfast and so many more combinations that will make you want to get in your kitchen.

The book is broken into sections:

  • Breakfast
  • Candy
  • Cookies, Brownies, and Bars
  • Pie
  • Cake and Cheesecake
  • Sweet Dips
  • Holiday Recipes

Each category is filled with a list of desserts that are two-in-one like:

Brownie Layer Cake (1 of 2)

Death by Chocolate Brownie Layer Cake. Yup, it’s like it sounds. Layers of brownie “cake”, filled with chocolate ganache and topped with chocolate frosting.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Toffee Bark (2 of 2)

Chocolate Chip Cookie Toffee Bark. This is one of my favorite recipes in the book – and it’s going to be yours too. Think Christmas Crack made with chocolate chip cookies for the base!

Peanut Butter Cookie Fondue (3 of 3)

Peanut Butter Cookie Fondue. Y’all know my love of peanut butter. There’s no shortage of PB recipes in the book and this is one of my favorites. Perfect for any party (of 1 or many, I won’t judge), it tastes like a melted peanut butter cookie!

Smorescake (4 of 9)

S’morescake. Another one of my favorites, because it has a crust. This is the mash-up between a s’more, a rich flour-less chocolate cake, and a pie. To. Die. For.

Are you drooling yet?

And if all that wasn’t enough, you’ll find a flavor for every taste:

  • Lemon (of course)
  • Strawberry
  • Mint
  • Chocolate
  • Vanilla
  • Almond Joy
  • Cookie Dough
  • Coconut
  • Cake Batter
  • Rocky Road
  • Apple Pie
  • Pumpkin
  • Turtle
  • and so many more!

Dessert Mash-Ups: Tasty Two-in-One Treats comes out in mid-September but it’s available for pre-order right now! You can order it at Amazon or at Barnes and Noble and it’ll be shipped once it officially releases.


I can’t write this post without a thank you to all of you. Without your support, comments, and readership, I wouldn’t have been able to write this book. Heck, without this blog, I wouldn’t have even known I wanted to write a book.

Someone pinch me, I must be dreaming.

So, thank you. For reading, for commenting, for pinning, and for following along. I heart you all and I’m so appreciative that I have all of you in my life – even if it is just a little tiny corner of the internet.

And stay tuned. Over the next couple of months I expect to have lots more to say about this cookbook. There will be giveaways and more in depth looks at what’s inside. Along with a new site design and my blog’s 4th birthday, September is going to be a rockstar month. (Or one in which I drink lots of wine. Whatever.)

Thank you for reading! Oh, and did I mention you could pre-order the book now on Amazon or Barnes and Noble?

Good, I didn’t want to forget that part. 🙂

Dorothy Kern

Welcome to Crazy for Crust, where I share recipes that are sometimes crazy, often with a crust, and always served with a slice of life.

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  1. October 14 is going to be a magical day for you. . I am in awe of you and so happy for you!!! LOVE the concept behind this cookbook and can’t wait to get my hands on one!!! Did you ever dream you would have your very own cookbook? So fabulous and again, SO happy for you!!! I see the food blogging community as a family so just very happy to see so much success for my peeps!

    1. Thank you Alice!! I didn’t dream of it until a few years ago – and now I just can’t believe it!

  2. I ordered two for my daughters over a month ago! What a huge accomplishment! You now are the proud creator of a permanent fixture in someones lives. A cookbook that will get tattered, spilled on, written on, plunked on a shelf….passed on within a family, show up at a yard sale or be donated to a needy family. Either way, it was created by your hand for others to experience. The hardest part is deciding what NOT to include within the pages. I’ve said it before, your blog is an inspiration to several of my crew and I really enjoy the candid snipits of your life woven in the posts. The best part Dorothy is that you may very well wittness the moment when your own daughter passes a copy of your book to one of her children….in your honor! Congrats!

  3. I am so excited for you and I am definitely buying your cookbook because your recipes are always so yummy!!