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Banner of Support Center Cut Cook

The one thing that I love most about blogging is the community. When I first started this blog I never even dreamed that I’d make the friendships I have…all online. I consider some of these women among my closest friends, and the blogging community as a whole is like a huge support system.

If there is one thing you can count on as a blogger, it’s that if you’re in need in some way, the community will rally. They will organize, come together, and help you with whatever you need. Today is that day for my friend Ashley, of CenterCutCook. Just a few short weeks ago Ashley and Ryan, her husband of 10 years, were dealt a terrible blow; one that we all fear. Ryan was diagnosed, at 29, with colon cancer. He has had surgery and is awaiting chemo and pathology reports for news of his prognosis.

Today, the blogger community is posting for Ashley and Ryan. Heather, from Sugar Dish Me, organized this day for Ashley, to help bring awareness to their situation. I wanted to share a round-up of some of my favorite recipes from CenterCutCook, because Ashley has so many good ones!

**Please, please click through to her site to pin her fabulous recipes. While Ashley is with her husband, she cannot be working on her blog, cutting their income drastically. Clicking through to her site will register a page view, and she’ll earn at least a little income that way!**

Rainbow Rice Krispie Pinwheels

Chocolate Dipped Reese’s Blondie Bars

Peanut Butter Buckeye Bars

Peanut Butter Brownie Dream Bars

S’mores Truffles

Double Chocolate Brownie Cake

White Chocolate Chip Snickerdoodle Cookies

Cinnamon Sugar Pretzel Bites

Cinnamon Braid Coffee Cake

And that’s just her desserts! CenterCutCook is a full service blog from dinner to dessert, including Casseroles, Main Dishes, Salads, Pizza and Pasta, and so much more!

If you want to help Ashley and Ryan with their medical expenses, a GiveForward donation page has been set up for them. Any amount, even small ones, is appreciated.

I can’t even imagine what Ashley and Ryan are going through right now, and I am sending them so many hugs and prayers. Thank you to Heather for organizing this today!

And thank you all for reading. I appreciate it so much, as I’m sure Ashley does too!


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Dorothy Kern

Welcome to Crazy for Crust, where I share recipes that are sometimes crazy, often with a crust, and always served with a slice of life.

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  1. Wow. That is really heartbreaking, but it’s incredibly sweet of you, Heather, and everyone else to support their family. Sending love and healthy thoughts their way!

  2. Thank you so much for posting about this! I just pinned all of her recipes on the biggest group boards I could find 🙂

  3. Thanks for giving us a link to help with the support. The blogger community seems amazing and incredibly close and supportive. I hope Ashley and Ryan can feel the love!