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Happy Tuesday everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Ours was great; very low key. We ended up staying home and making dinner for just the three of us. It was just what we needed to get back to normal after the craziness of the past few weeks. I do have one question though. Why is it that, when you make a huge dinner with sides you lust after all year long, it looks like there is so much food but then the leftovers are gone in two days? All I have left is some frozen turkey. No more stuffing. No more (Pioneer Woman’s) mashed potatoes. I think I’ll just have to make turkey dinner #2 for Christmas this year. And make twice as much stuffing. Or three times.
Here are some of the tasty treats that caught my eye this week:

Almond Joy Bars by The Ranch Wife Chronicles. Really, she had me at Almond Joy. But these have butterscotch and NUTELLA in them too! A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.

Chocolate Chip Cheesecake with Cookie Dough Crust by Armstrong Family Fare. Doesn’t this cheesecake make you want to eat your computer screen? Oh, and it has a cookie dough crust. Um, yes please, I’ll take three slices.

Pumpkin Spice Toffee Whoopie Pies with Brown Sugar Buttercream Filling by Bakeaholic Mama. Toffee. Brown Sugar Buttercream. Pumpkin. Pecans. Need I say more?

Chocolate Covered Pretzel Pie by The Farm Girl Recipes. Um it’s a pie that has pretzels and chocolate. Oh, and did I mention it was a PIE? I want it. NOW. (Have I mentioned that I’m so not good at delayed gratification?)

Turtle Bark by The Weekly Sweet Experiment. This was the #1 viewed recipe this week and one of my favorites. I love bark, and anything with Turtle in the title is perfect for me. It’s going on my “mom list” (things I want to make for my mom).

Thank you all for linking last week! I hope you’ll join again this week.

These recipes have all been Pinned and Stumbled. Spread the sweetness!

All photos above belong to their respective blogs. I just swiped them to show off their awesomeness.

Dorothy Kern

Welcome to Crazy for Crust, where I share recipes that are sometimes crazy, often with a crust, and always served with a slice of life.

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1 Comment

  1. The almond joy bars looks so scrumptious and sweet! My kids would surely love them. But I gotta limit the sweets they eat so we don’t want to have dental implant in Los Angeles because of toothaches or cavities.